Born: 3rd July 1971 – North Adelaide, South Australia
Aged: 53 years, 7 months & 9 days
Click for Andrew’s Profile on CricInfo
Season: 1991
25 matches
Squad Number 155
Batting: Right-Handed Late Order
15 innings with 4 not-outs, 174 Runs at an Average of 15.82 runs/innings
Highest Score of 43* v Follifoot (H) on 4th May 1991 & Crossflatts (A) on 11th May 1991
10 Sixes & 8 Fours
Bowling: Right-Handed Fast
284.2 Overs, 43 Maidens conceding a total of 1,075 runs while taking 49 wickets
Average 21.94 runs/wicket at a Strike-Rate of 34.82 balls/wicket, and Economy-Rate of 3.78 runs/over
Best Bowling 7-41 v Calverley (H) on 17th August 1991
Winner of League’s U20s Bowling Award
5-Wickets in a Match on 3 Occasions
7 Outfield Catches
Season: 1994
26 matches
Batting: Right-Handed Late Order
20 innings with 8 not-outs, 202 Runs at an Average of 16.83 runs/innings and Scoring-Rate of 4.49 runs/over
Highest Score of 28* v Beckwithshaw (A) on 2nd July 1994
2 Sixes & 19 Fours
Bowling: Right-Handed Fast
426 Overs, 78 Maidens conceding a total of 1,525 runs while taking 72 wickets
Average 21.18 runs/wicket at a Strike-Rate of 35.50 balls/wicket, and Economy-Rate of 3.58 runs/over
Best Bowling 5-62 v Horsforth Hall Park (H) on 27th August 1994
5-Wickets in a Match on 2 Occasions
5 Outfield Catches
Currently playing for Woodville District Cricket Club