Born: 15th February 1983, Perth, Australia
Aged: 41 years, 11 months & 28 days
Season: 2004
18 matches
Squad Number 207
Batting: Right-Handed Middle Order
1st XI
9 innings with 3 not-outs, 63 Runs at an Average of 10.50 runs/innings and scoring rate of 2.67 runs/over
Highest Score of 19* v Knaresborough (H) on 1st May 2004
6 Fours
2nd XI
1 innings with 0 not-outs, 4 Runs at an Average of 4.00 runs/innings and scoring rate of 1.60 runs/over
Highest Score of 4 v Menston (A) on 31st July 2004
1 Four
3rd XI
1 innings with 0 not-outs, 4 Runs at an Average of 4.00 runs/innings
Highest Score of 4 v Guiseley (A) on 27th June 2004
1 Fours
Bowling: Right-Handed Fast
1st XI
146 Overs, 42 Maidens conceding a total of 455 runs while taking 19 wickets
Average 23.95 runs/wicket at a Strike-Rate of 46.11 balls/wicket, and Economy-Rate of 3.12 runs/over
Best Bowling 5-37 v Collingham & Linton (H) on 5th June 2004
5-Wickets in a Innings on 1 occasion
3rd XI
10 Overs, 0 Maidens conceding a total of 41 runs while taking 0 wickets
Economy-Rate of 4.10 runs/over
Best Bowling 0-41 v Guiseley (A) on 27th June 2004
1st XI
1 Outfield Catch
Season: 2003
21 matches
Batting: Right-Handed Top Order
20 innings with 3 not-outs, 317 Runs at an Average of 18.65 runs/innings
Highest Score of 60* v Collingham & Linton (A) on 31st May 2003
1 Fifty, 3 Sixes & 42 Fours
Bowling: Right-Handed Fast
275.3 Overs, 47 Maidens conceding a total of 1,064 runs while taking 47 wickets
Average 22.64 runs/wicket at a Strike-Rate of 35.17 balls/wicket, and Economy-Rate of 3.86 runs/over
Best Bowling 7-47 v Collingham & Linton (H) on 16th August 2003
5-Wickets in a Innings on 2 Occasions
3 Outfield Catches
Plays at Melville Cricket Club, Australia