Harden C.C.

Cuckoo’s Nest, Harden Road, Harden, Bingley, BD16 1AP


Record v Harden CC

Played Won Lost Pts For Pts Against
1st XI 17 10 6 34 14
2nd XI 23 9 10 36 22
3rd XI 8 4 2 30 8
TOTAL 48 23 18 100 44


Summary: Total distance: 7.9 miles Driving time: 13 minutes

Time Mile Instruction For Towards
11:47 0.0 Depart Steeton on Station Road 0.4 mi Silsden
11:49 0.4 Turn RIGHT (East) onto A629 2.5 mi Halifax
11:52 3.0 Bear LEFT (East) onto A650 2.2 mi Bingley
11:55 5.1 Turn LEFT & then RIGHT onto old Bingley road 1.5 mi Bingley
11:57 6.6 Turn RIGHT (South) onto B6429 at traffic lights after church. 1.3 mi Harden
The ground is on the RIGHT by the side of the road opposite the garden centre.
12:00 7.9 Arrive Harden CC

Click to enlarge Route Picture
Route to Harden Cricket Club

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